
Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


本文旨在釐清國家與學校衛生的關係,探討國民學校的衛生教育如何運作,以及當中所蘊含的意義,並以1950、60年代為區間,試圖解析學校衛生與國家、學童身體之間的複雜性。 戰後臺灣學校衛生組織,在省縣市方面由衛生與教育單位各自派員組成衛生教育委員會;學校方面則著重於衛生導師制度的建立、調訓校護、成立校級衛生教育組織,並透過母姊會加強宣導。由於國校衛生教育內容繁雜,本文以衛生教學、晨間檢查、肺結核病以及頭蝨、砂眼防治為例詳加論述。最後,除了針對國民學校的衛生工作提出檢討,同時也從這些衛生工作的規劃與執行中,看到政府塑造臺灣兒童身體與衛生行為的過程。
This paper is aimed at clarifying the relationship between government instruments/departments as agencies and primary school health education as recipient. It explores how primary schools began their health campaigns, how the operations were conducted and what the implications were. The 1950s and 1960s have been selected as the time segments for explaining and analyzing the complex tripartite relationship among school health education, government departments, and students' health. In post-war Taiwan, school health organizations referred respectively to the health education committees as formed by representatives from the provincial, county and city health and education departments for their respective areas. Schools with their emphasis on the establishment of the health instruction system were being charged with the duty of training school nurses, the setting up of the school health education organization, and its promotion as reinforced by the mother/sister association. Owing to the complex contents encompassed in primary school health education, this research can only focus and elaborate on such areas as health teaching, morning inspection, tuberculosis examination, trachoma and head lice control. Nevertheless, this research will reveal not only the problems with health tasks in primary schools, but also hold that the planning and implementation of these tasks were capable of showing the strength of the nation in developing healthy Taiwanese children, while Taiwanese children were in their return also responsible for the important mission of disseminating health knowledge and skills in order to keep the nation healthy.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)89
Issue number24
StatePublished - 2010

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