
林 春香, Hsueh-Erh Liu, Jeng-Yi Wang

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


     本研究目的在探討大腸直腸癌症病患民俗療法之採用情形與各項治療措施等相關因素對其影響之程度。自民國82年11月16日至83年01月31日以自行設計之問卷與健康控制重心量表調查某醫學中心之大腸直腸癌病患。發出問卷245份,回收211份 ,其中有效問卷共205份。所得資料以SAS/PC進行資料分析。 結果發現:大多數的大腸直腸癌病患有採用民俗醫療情形,且採用情形與患病期間、年齡呈負相關,與住院次數、治療副作用呈正相關,另民俗療法的採用因病患癌症分期、教育程度、曾接受化學治療、曾接受放射治療及目前治療方式之不同而有顯著差異。 在健康控制重心方面;病患的內在自我控制型特質與民俗療法採用呈正相關,而與機運控制及重要影響人士控制型特質呈負相關。 大腸直腸癌病患的「目前治療情形」、「重要影響人士控制特質」、「年齡」、「住院次數」等四個變項為其民俗療法採用之最佳預測因素。
     The main purpose of this survey were to investigate the folk medicine applied of the colorectal cancer patients and to identify its influencing factors. A self-designed questionnaire and Health Locus Control (HLC) were used for data collection during Nov. 1993 to Jan. 1994. Total of 245 questionnaires were distributed. However, only 205 valid questionnaires were used for data analysis. The results found that most patients had used the folk medicines during the disease treatments process and its application affected by much variables such as: “suffering duration”, “age”, “past and present treatment condition”, “admission frequencies”, “treatment side-effects ”, “cancer staging” and “education level”. In regard to each dimension of the health locus of control, the folk medicine applied were positively related to the “internal”, and negatively related to the “chance” and “powerful others” health locus of control beliefs. The result of stepwise regression also found that “present treatments”, “powerful others”, “age,” and “admission frequencies” were significant predictors for the folk medicine applied of this specific group of patients.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)30-45
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1996

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