
黃 蕙棻, Jyh-Sheng You, 許 朝添

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


     本研究的目的是觀察外敷如意金黃散與口服接受散對大白鼠脛骨骨折癒合過程中 骨痂中微量元素變化的影響。將大白鼠的左脛骨中段,用定點手法,造成閉合性骨折,隨機 分為對照組,林格氏液組,外敷如意金黃散組,內服接骨散組及外敷如意金黃散組與內服接 骨散組。定 4 天、8 天、12 天三個觀察點,測骨痂內鈣、鎂、鐵、錳、銅與鋅之含量。結 果提示,用藥組促進骨折癒合的作用與其提高鈣、銅鋅等微量元素含量,來加速骨痂組織生 長和鈣化過程有關。
     The purpose of this study was to observe the effect of ru-yih-jin-huang -saan(RYJHS) and jie-guu-saan(JGS) on the trace element of callus in experimental fracture healing of the rat. Seventy five rats were standard fractured in the middle of left tibia and fibula. They were divided randomly into experimental and control groups. They were intraperitoneally injected with Ringer's solution, used RYJHS externally or fed with JGS respectively. The animals were executed at 4,8 and 12 ands after fracture. The trace element callus in the fractured tibia were observed. The results demonstrated that the trace element in experimental groups were elevated than the control group, especially the combined group of RYJHS and JGS, for the promotion of experimental fractnre healing.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)109-113
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1997

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