
Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


     本研究以質性研究方法探討孕婦性經驗,期望對孕婦性生活能有更深入 的瞭解。收樣地點在北部一所醫學中心產科門診,以妊娠九至三十八週,無妊娠 合併症者為收樣對象,共計十三位孕婦接受訪談。以深入訪談法,讓受訪者敘述 其孕期性經驗,以現場錄音方式記錄其會談內容,以言辭分析法分析資料。 結果顯示,孕婦性經驗有四種表現型態:需求型、媬姆型、配合型及理智型。孕 婦經驗到四種層面之性經驗內容:(1)母性與性角色之緊張;(2)嘗試統整母性與性 角色;(3)對孕期性生活準則之關切與比較;以及(4)孕期性經驗之感受與期望。此 外,孕婦性經驗存在之意義包含:(1)婚姻關係之維繫;(2)滿足親密與被愛之需求;(3) 肯定自我存在的價值;以及(4)性衝動之舒緩。本研究結果肯定孕婦性經驗在懷孕 家庭的調適與婚姻關係上扮演的角色與意義.並有助於專業人員對懷孕夫婦提供 孕期性諮商之參考。
     The aim of the study is to explore something more encompassing, that is the women'ssexual experiences during pregnancy.A qualitative paradigm was selected, 13 participantswere obtained through a purposive sampling of outpatients registered in the antepartum clinicof a medical center in the northern Taiwan. All of the women selected for the study, a) weremarried and lived with their husband , b) had uncomplicated pregnancies, c) ranged in age20 to 35 years, d)consented to participate in the study, e) had sexual experience during the9th to 38th weeks ofgestation.Data collection consisted of in-depth interviews and tape-recordings , the narrative analysis provided four major categories for organizing the contentof sexual experiences of pregnant women: 1 )the role strain between sexual role and maternity, 2) attemps at the integration of sexual role and maternity, 3) myths about the influencesbetween sexual life and pregnancy, 4)feelings and expectations of sexual experience. Besides,the sexual experience during pregnancy has meaning for the pregnant women, they were Dmaintenance of bonding in marital relationship, 2)for needs of intimacy and love 3)self identity , 4)relief of genital tension .These findings may provide some direction for the health care provider to assist couples in adaptating the sexual life and enhance their marital bonds during pregnancy.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)49-65
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1996

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