到的主觀早產症狀為何。研究設計採質性研究,以立意取樣法 (purposive sampling) 取樣
,資料之收集在臺灣北部一所教學醫學中心之婦產科病房及產房進行,針對 1. 取樣時值妊
娠 20 週至 35 週以內者,2. 距離早產發生時間不超過三週者,3. 診斷為無產科合併症,
無破水、無陰道出血之自發性早產及早發性子宮收縮者, 4. 初次入院安胎,過往沒有安胎
住院經驗者,5. 母體無內科相關疾病,6. 已婚有偶者, 7. 單胞胎,胎兒無先天畸形或生
長遲滯者,以及 8. 年齡在 20( 含 20) 至 39( 含 39) 歲者,為研究對象,表示願意接受
式記錄,經轉錄成文字後,再以言辭分析法 (Narrative analysis) 分析資料。共收集九捲
早產先驅症狀之主觀經驗中,包括七項先驅症狀:(一 ) 腹部不適感,(二 ) 子宮收縮感,
(三 ) 腰背症狀,(四 ) 胎動變異感,(五 ) 腸胃症狀,(六 ) 泌尿生殖道症狀,與 (七 )
The aim of the study was to learn how women experiencing the early symptoms of preterm labor. A qualitative paradigm was selected, 9 participants were obtained through a purposive sampling of deliveryroom and postpartum ward of a medical center in the northern Taiwan. Data collection consisted of semi-structured interviews and tape-recordings. The Narrative analysis provided seven major categories for organizing the experience of early and symptoms of preterm labor:1)uncomfortalbe feeling in abdomen, 2)felling of intensifing uterine contractions, 3) lumbodorsal uncomfortable, 4)awareness of abnormality of fetal movement, 5)gestro-intestinal cramps, 6)urogenital symptoms, and 7)others. The results of this study may provide a reference for the health care provider through earlyier detection of preterm labor.
The aim of the study was to learn how women experiencing the early symptoms of preterm labor. A qualitative paradigm was selected, 9 participants were obtained through a purposive sampling of deliveryroom and postpartum ward of a medical center in the northern Taiwan. Data collection consisted of semi-structured interviews and tape-recordings. The Narrative analysis provided seven major categories for organizing the experience of early and symptoms of preterm labor:1)uncomfortalbe feeling in abdomen, 2)felling of intensifing uterine contractions, 3) lumbodorsal uncomfortable, 4)awareness of abnormality of fetal movement, 5)gestro-intestinal cramps, 6)urogenital symptoms, and 7)others. The results of this study may provide a reference for the health care provider through earlyier detection of preterm labor.
Original language | Chinese (Traditional) |
Pages (from-to) | 33-41 |
Journal | 長庚護理 |
Volume | 10 |
Issue number | 1 |
State | Published - 1999 |