
Kuan-Chung Huang

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


孫應時曾應史浩之聘至東湖書院教授史彌遠、史彌堅等史氏子弟,不僅與史家建立密切的關係,更得與當世名儒來往,為其學宦發展奠下重要基礎。由於史彌遠長期獨斷朝政,對金蒙和戰政策、擁立理宗及濟王案,均引發朝臣抨擊,為促發晚宋政爭的重要因素;故其為人與施政在當代與後世招致惡評,四庫全書《燭湖集》提要中對史彌遠的批評即是顯例。 本文以孫應時為例,透過梳理《燭湖集》中孫應時與史浩、史彌遠父子二代資料,觀察孫應時與史彌遠的關係。此外,孫應時應四川安撫使制置使丘?之邀,任其幕僚,藉探望吳挺病情,掌握川西軍政,於吳挺死後,建議宋廷剷除吳氏勢力,但被韓佗冑破壞,終釀成吳曦叛變。韓佗冑死後,宋廷在檢討四川政策時,對孫應時的建議多所肯定,予以褒揚澤及後人;其生平事蹟,收錄於寶慶《會稽續志》中,其著作《燭湖集》並得以出版。孫應時一生遭遇與死後殊榮,與史氏父子關係甚深。
In his early career, Sun Yinshi was hired by Shi Hao to teach his sons such as Shi Miyuan and Shi MiJian in the Donghu Academy. For this reason, Sun Yinshi not only built close relations with the Shi families, but also had opportunities to communicate with some famous scholars. Thus, during this period, Sun established a solid base for his further developments in political and academic fields. After Shi Miyuan controlled the Song court for more than twenty years, however, he suffered a lot of critiques from contemporaries and scholars in later periods, especially for his decisions on enthroning Emperor Lizong, killing Prince Ji and negotiating with the Jurchen and Mongol regimes. One example is the comments written by the Qin scholars in the front of Sun Yinshi’s book Chuhou Ji. Mainly based on the information provide by Chuhou Ji, this article researches the relationships between Sun Yinshi and Shi Miyuan. Sun Yinshi once worked under Qi Chong, the Governor of Sichuan, so he was familiar with military situations of Sichuan. After the death of General Wu Ting, Sun suggested the Song court to eliminate the power of the Wu families in Sichuan armies. However, Han Tuozhou, who controlled the Song government, refused to accept Sun’s project, and appointed Wu Ting’s son Wu Xi to command Sichuan troops. This decision then resulted Wu Xi’s rebellion in 1206. After Han Tuozhou died, the Song court finally confirmed the value of Sun’s suggestions, so gave Sun posthumous honor and rewarded his offspring. For this reason, the biography of Sun Yinshi was recorded in the local gazetteer Quaiji Xuzhi and his book Chuhou Ji was able to be printed. Thus, both the career of Sun Yinshi and his posthumous reputation were closely related to Shi Hao and his son Shi Miyuan.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)1-31
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2015


  • Qi Chong
  • Shi Hao
  • Shi Miyuan
  • Sun Yishi
  • Wu Ting

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