
高 玲玉, Lai-Chu See, 林 淑梅, Yu-Sung Liang

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


     本文以桃園縣復興鄉,一個原住民聚集的鄉里,共十個村落,以其中十所小學學 童共 565 人作為研究對象。 本研究結合石原式色盲本, 石川氏色盲本, Panel D-15, Roth's 28 Hue test 四種色覺檢查工具。其中 11 名男童罹患色覺異常。 原住民男學童罹 患率為 2.1%,平地男學童罹患率為 3.08%,女學童無人罹色覺異常。 原住民學童色覺異常 比率並未高於平地男學童。
     A study of color vision using Ishihara plates, Standard pseudoisochromatic plates III, Panel D-15, Roth's 28 Hue test was made of 565 pf'iniai-y school students in an aboriginal village Fu-Hsing. Among the 306 boys, 3.62% had color defect, and none of the 259 girls was affected. No racial difference was found among the color defectives, the aboriginal children didn't show a higher frequency of color defect than the non-tribe students.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)57-62
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1999

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