
Ming-Yih Lee, 黃 炳璋, 鄭 正元, 蔡 文俊

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


     腦血管病變及意外腦傷病患近年來持續高踞國內十大死亡原因之第二位,由於腦 神經組織損傷,在病發後會造成患側肌力下降,以及運動控制能受到干擾,以致平衡能力發 生障礙。因此,平衡控制訓練便成為臨床上重建病患運動控制能力、學習步行及培養自理生 活能力的重要復健訓練項目之一。本研究主要係依臨床需要開發設計一臺本土化之生理回饋 站姿穩定度評估訓練設備,在硬體上包括腳底壓力感測器、腳底板平移驅動裝置、主控制電 腦、視聽覺回饋裝置、安全吊架等。為驗證臨床實用性,本研究亦針對正常人和中風偏癱病 患共 20 位,進行動態站立平衡臨床測試;實驗過程中收集正常人與中風病患的姿勢回復反 應時間與腳壓中心晃動距離,利用機率密度函數方式進行統計分析,並以平衡反應機率等高 線圖比較兩組差異。 由實驗結果可以得知, 中風偏癱病人的姿態反應時間較正常人慢 2.7 秒,而且腳壓中心的晃動距離較正常人大 0.48 公分。由實驗中可知本研究所開發之設備, 除了可以作為臨床醫師定量評估之工具外,亦可進一步提供病患作為平衡訓練之設備。
     In this research, a quantitative assessment model to evaluation standing postural stability was established. The clinical experimental data (i.e. joint displacements, COP sway patterns) during upright standing balance tests for 8 stroke patients and 12 normal subjects were analyzed. The postural recovery responses in terms of COP sway distance and latercy of postural response with A/P and M/L directional disturbances were compared between two test groups. A two dimensional balance responses probability contour map was proposed. The shape, size and center location of balance rcsponse probability contour map representing the degree of dynamic postural stability can be easily identified for each test subject group. This graphical balance response contour map may become a useful quantitative assessment tool for clinical applications.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)161-168
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1997

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