
楊 仕哲, Hen-Hong Chang, 黃 維三

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


     《素問.五運行大論》是運氣學說中最重要的文獻之一,其中多處涉及中國傳統 天文學中的天旋地動說,然而回顧歷代各家註解,皆有欠明之處,原因大多是對天文學缺乏 了解。為了澄清此段經文的真義,先將前人見解依朝代順序一一列出,並加以探討。本項研 究獲致下述結論:《五運行大論》中的天旋說(上者右行),符合觀測者面向北極時看到日 月五星由西向東移的周期性右旋運動,即天文學中的右旋說。其地動說(下者左行),則是 觀測者面向南方時,所看到的大地由西向東的左行性移動,符合地球自轉的方向。
     "Yun-qu" theory contains paragraphs that concern the theory of "sky- rotation" and "earth-moving"; however, scholars have previously misinterpreted them. We try to establish a new interpretation based on the Chinese astronomical theory of "sky-rotation" and "earth-moving".
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)215-220
JournalJournal of Chinese Medicine
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1998

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