
Jiann-Der Lee, 張 祈順, Shih-Tseng Lee, 張 永成

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


     在腦神經外科臨床應用上,腦部基底核電腦圖譜是重要的輔助工具之一,精確的 基底核電腦圖譜不僅可縮短搜尋病灶所需時間,更可提高手術的安全性。以往基底核電腦圖 譜的產生, 均假設電腦斷層掃瞄( CT scanning )的基準軸固定,或偏移量小到可忽略。 然而此理想狀況在臨床應用上,常常不能實現。又根據解剖學上所得基底核圖譜只有三個軸 向之剖面圖,且這些剖面圖是由三個不同的腦解剖出來,其尺度比例並不相同,故外科醫師 只能憑空想像揣摩三個軸向資料所得之立體構造圖。因此,若能由此三個軸向之剖面圖,藉 立體重建技術得到基底核之立體圖,則可供醫師手術前更客觀的輔助參考。 有鑑於此,本論文提出新的演算法則,利用三維幾何轉換模式,求出當電腦斷層掃瞄基準軸 偏移時, 每個目標點所需修正的參考值,然後利用雲形曲線( CR-spline )內插演算法進 行序列影像內插,再由 SB ( Semi-Boundary )演算法完成電腦圖譜三維影像的顯示。 由 於本論文所發展之電腦圖譜重建技術,不僅考慮電腦斷層掃瞄基準軸偏移問題,更慮及電腦 圖譜因人而異的特性,故尺度的修正問題亦列入探討。如此一來,所產生之腦部基底核電腦 圖譜將更具有參考價值,同時也有助於新進腦神經外科醫師的臨床訓練。
     Stereotactic atlases can provide standard definition of a subcortical Structures from which their 3D coordinates may be calculated in spatial relationship to anatomical landmarks. In this paper, a novel geometrical algorithm has been developed to transfer the ideal stereotactic target coordinate from the Atlas for Stereotaxy of the Human Brain (by Schaltenbrand and Wahren) to CT scan. Next, image reconstruction with interpolation techniques using CR-Spline is designed to facilitate a full-scale representation of thalamic nuclei and surrounding subcortical structures in the course of stereotactic procedures. The atlas make it possible to synthesize arbitrarily oriented cross-sections during the operation, which reflect the position of the instrument and necessary digital parameters. Moreover, the standard anatomy can be adapted to individual brain reference points derived from CT-scan and the target calculated more acurately.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)185-192
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1999

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