
林 淑芬, Yun-Fang Tsai, 郭 漢崇, 葉 淑惠

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


     目的:瞭解花蓮地區男性脊髓損傷患者,損傷前後性功能的情形與差 異。病人及方法:針對患病年齡在16歲以上,患病時間超過半年的花蓮地區18 至60歲的62位男性脊髓損傷患者為對象,並以結構式問卷收集資料。問卷內容 包括基本屬性與疾病特性、性生活狀況、性功能量表、性關注及性知識來源與需 求。結果:88.7%的個案損傷前有性生活,但損傷後曾有性生活的比率只有 50.0%。在性功能方面,脊髓損傷後有87.1%的個案能勃起,54.8%的個案勃起硬 度足夠進行性交,而只有19.4%的個案每次都能成功射精,11.3%的個案曾使伴 侶懷孕。在性關注方面,脊髓損傷個案關注無法滿足伴侶的性需求、因性活動造 成伴侶或自己泌尿道的感染及無法自己撫養小孩。結論:男性脊髓損傷患者在損 傷後性功能均顯著的下降,而日後處置與護理此類病患應針對其泌尿問題及增進 性滿足的方法作努力,以使患者能有良好的性生活與性調適。
     Objective: The purpose of this study was to explore the sexual function of men with spinal cord injury (SCI) in Hualien. Patients and Methods: Sixty-two subjects were recruited from among SCI patients in the community. A structured questionnaire consisting of subjects' demographic data, sexual life, sexual function, sexual concerns, and resources and needs for sexual knowledge was used to collect the data. Results: Of all subjects, 88.7% reported that they had sexual activity before being injured but only 50.0% maintained the same after injury. Overall, 87.1% of them were able to obtain an erection and 54.8% were able to gain full tumescence to intercourse after injury. However, only 19.4% were able to achieve ejaculation every time they had intercourse and only 11.3% were able to impregnate their partners. Among sexual concerns, the subjects expressed that they were most concerned about not satisfying their partners, giving partners or themselves a urinary tract infection and being unable to bring up children. Conclusions: The subjects reported significantly lower sexual function after injury. Treatment and nursing care must address the concern of urinary tract problems and sexual dissatisfaction for SCI patients. With appropriate measures, they will have a higher quality of sexual life and better sexual adjustment in the future.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)59-65
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2000

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