
Yu-Chiang Hung, 沈 哲民, 朱 建福, 盧 政男, 胡 文龍

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


中藥長期以來被認為是健康性天然藥物,沒有什麼毒副反應,常被拿來當作日常生活食療的素材,但事實上近年來偶爾會出現誤食中草藥不幸中毒的事件。研究目的與方法:透過實地市場調查、中醫典籍檢索、並籍由通過美國國家衛生研究院(NIH)的在線醫學文獻檢索系統(MEDLINE、PUBMED)、醫學數據庫(EMBASE)、中醫期刊網等中西醫期刊文獻檢索和蒐集中藥疑似不良反應通報之案例作資料,並藉由藥性與藥味整理歸納,希望能找出可供食用之中藥材品項依據,提供政府及民間安全服食中藥之參考。研究結果:無毒而可同時提供食品使用之中藥材約397種,有毒藥材不適合當食品使用者約93種。根據藥性與藥味的分析,可同時提供食品使用的397種中藥材中,藥性是以平性37.93%最多,其次是溫性29.57%,寒性23.06%,涼性9.52%,最少的是熱性的藥材,只有0.7%;藥味方面則以甘味的藥材54.33%最多,其次是辛味 15.29%,苦味13.68%,酸味8.45%,鹹味藥材較少,僅有8.25%。研究結論:甘平或是甘溫的中藥較有可能是安全且毒性較少而能作為食療的藥材。
Chinese herbs and Chinese medicated diet are universally recognized as a healthful, natural, delicious, and nourishing food. However, someone got sick with food poisoning or toxicity after eating Chinese herbs unexpectedly or accidentally. Apparently, Chinese herbs poisoning or nourishing is very important issue of public health . Aim and methods: The purpose of the present proposal is to offer the healthful but not poisoning chinese herbs as candidates for Chinese medicated diet. We would study the different taste and properties of herbs and survey the transaction of business about Chinese herbs in the markets and review the literatures or books from databases such as Medline, PubMed, EMBASE and the China Periodical Net for Chinese medicated diet, Chinese herbs toxicity or Chinese herbs side effect. Results: We find 397 candidates for healthful Chinese medicated diet and 93 Chinese herbs with toxicity which can't be the candidates for Chinese medicated diet. There are different taste of sweet (54.33%), pungent (15.29%), bitter (13.68%), sour (8.45%), saltiness (8.25%), and different properties of insipid (37.93%), ward (29.57%), cold (23.06%), cool (9.52%), hot (0.7%) in the 397 safe candidate herbs. Conclusion: These data would show that Chinese herbs with sweet in flavour and insipid or warm properties maybe the candidates for more safe, less toxicity and healthful Chinese medicated diet.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)48-56
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2007

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