
陳 心語, Ling-Fu Meng

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


認知障礙(cognitive disabilities)個案在執行日常任務時經常會遇到困難,雖然代償性輔助科技(compensatory assistive technology)可以減少這些困難的影響並提升生活品質,然而,針對這些認知輔助科技的提供原則仍不清楚,因此本文統整相關模式、評估、選擇、需求、與效用,並探討其中的問題。本文所介紹的復健模式(the rehabilitative/compensatory model)、人類活動輔助科技模式(the human activity assistive technology model)、與契合人與科技模式(matching person and technology model)皆提到設計輔助科技需考慮個案需求,且也強調人、任務、與環境為影響輔助科技的因子;因此在評估及媒合時,必須將人的需求、環境改造、與輔助科技提供納入考慮。然而,現今模式、原則與應用卻缺乏連結性,文獻也多著重於輔助科技本身的介紹,而缺乏引導輔助科技原則的建立與檢驗;此外,設計常忽略特定認知障礙,或功能過於複雜,反而造成干擾等問題。因此,本文也建議未來應發展以特定障礙為導向的模式與具體原則。
People with cognitive disabilities often face difficulties when performing various activities in their daily lives. Although today's compensatory assistive technology (AT) can reduce the impact of such difficulties and enhance the quality of life in this population, universal guidelines for the appropriate application of cognitive AT have not been developed. The present study reviewed and integrated information regarding models, assessments, selections, needs, and other relevant evidence. This paper presents a discussion of the limitations of current methods, and suggests novel approaches for the successful application of compensatory cognitive AT. The rehabilitative/compensatory model, the human activity assistive technology model, and the matching person and technology model introduced in this study place considerable emphasis on client needs in the application of AT, as well as the importance of person-task-environment fit in relation to AT design. However, confluence between these models and clinical guidelines for prescribing AT services could not be established because no current model can provide adequate guidance specifically in the use of cognitive AT. Moreover, customized products in the market frequently do not meet the individualized needs of clients with reduced cognitive functions. Thus, evident shortcomings exist in the tools available to clinicians for the matching of AT products with cognitive dysfunction clients through the use of theoretical models. In summary, we recognize the need for a comprehensive disability-oriented AT model that is based on concrete principles for clients' specific cognitive disabilities, and suggest that such a model should be developed in the near future.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)197-210
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2011

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