
吳 啟瑞, 顏 世雄, Wei-Neng Chang, 郭 宗益, 莊 永松, 張 志忠, 李 兆惠

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


     本文描述在電壓閃爍干擾的工作條件下,如何調整同步發電機靜 態勵磁系統之增益,改益動態穩定度,並有合適的無效功率輸出響應, 與探討電力系統穩定器改善有效功率的低顏盪問題。通霄電廠鄰近 電孤爐運轉時,在161 kV 匯流排引起電壓閃爍,會造成機組有效功率 輸出振盪。由現場實測 161 kV 匯流排電壓閃爍情形,再利用計算機模 擬發電機受干擾的動態響應,發現勵磁系統增益越大無效功率輸出響 應越快,但是有較嚴重之有效功率低顏振盪現象。為兼顧機組的無效 功率反應速度及機組動態穩定度,可在勵磁系統加入電力系統穩定器, 且調高勵磁系統回路增益。
     This paper described the tuning of static excitation systems under voltage flicker disturbance, in order to improving the dynamic stability and obtaining suitable reactive power response. The power system stabilizer was used to reduce the low frequency oscillation of active power. The voltage flicker of the 161kV bus in the Tong-Shiao Generation Station was caused by the nearby electric arc furnaces. This introduced the active power oscillation of generators. Using the field test data of the voltage flicker at 161kV bus, the computer simulation showed the effect of disturbance on the dynamic behavior of generators. The results showed that when the gain of excitation systems was higher, there was faster response of reactive power with more serious oscillation of active power. The higher loop-gain static excitation system with a power system stabilizer could improve the dynamic stability and reactive power response of generators.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)25-35
Issue number612
StatePublished - 1999

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