
Li-Ju Chen, 陳 清溪, 鐘 梅菁, 江 麗莉

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


本研究主要目的在探討高中職特殊教育教師對教師評鑑工作之意見,抽取臺灣地區67所高中職共515位特殊教育教師,試圖以描述統計及卡方考驗分析瞭解高中職教育階段特殊教育教師對教師專業評鑑之意見。結果發現:(1)大部分的教師仍贊成進行教師評鑑,並表示教師評鑑有助於教育革新,唯比較之下,自評為適任者與資源班任教教師明顯較贊成進行教師評鑑,非適任者則較不贊成教師評鑑,而任教年資 、任教單位性質 、區域 、特教資格 、公私立 、及適任度在教育革新之助益上的意見,亦具有顯著差異;(2)在教師評鑑之執行工作意見上,受試者對於以教師評鑑做為績效考核之目的較不能接受,傾向於以教師自我評鑑及校內組成委員會的型式進行,最贊成的評鑑項目為課程規劃設計及教學表現,對於以教師評鑑結果的通知傾向於以個別方式或擇優公佈,而對於教師評鑑結果傾向同意用於獎勵及輔導訓練之用,做為考核懲處之應用反彈聲音較大。整體而言,本研究發現教師評鑑若能以教師專業發展的方向執行,則現職特殊教育教師的意見是正向的。本研究經由研究結果進一步提出在未來研究及教師專業評鑑實務工作上的建議。
Teacher evaluation is recommended a good way to promote teachers' professional growth. This study investigated the views on teacher evaluation for senior high schools special educators in Taiwan. Participants were 515 senior high school special educators selected from 67 schools. The instrument used in this study was the Teacher Evaluation Scale developed by the researchers. Results were found that, though with some differences between some different sub-subjects, most special educators agreed that teacher evaluation is a good way to make professional growth under some principles. And this study explored the accepted views on evaluation destination, evaluation committee type, evaluation items, the evaluation results informed, and the results application. Findings of the current study provide some useful information for policymakers and researchers.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)25-44
Issue number16
StatePublished - 2006

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