A Critique of American Policies toward Central Asia

Chi-Lin Yang

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


摘 要 隨著反恐戰爭的進行,中亞成為美軍全球反恐作戰的一個重要戰區,但 美軍的突然蒞臨也引起中亞國家對於美國的動機與長期目標的戒心。在最近 幾年裡,美國布希總統的外交政策飽受批評為單邊主義與軍事主義傾向,本 文將分析美國的中亞政策,重點是指出美國過於注重戰略安全考量與軍事權 宜措施的缺失。事實上,偏重軍事考量的失衡政策,導致布希總統一再宣示 的民主推廣淪為政治口號。本文首先將概述美國中亞政策的發展,進而指出 美國在追求其利益與目標時所遭遇的困難。基於中亞在美國國家安全戰略中 佔有一定程度的重要份量,本文認為軍事考量在美國中亞政策制定過程中僅 應扮演次要角色,如果美國持續過度偏重軍事與地緣政治思考,這樣的思維 與政策將會為美國的長期利益帶來傷害,也同時對中亞的區域穩定發展不 利。 關
Abstract While Central Asia has become an important military operation theater in the U.S. campaign against terrorism, the somewhat accidental American military presence in the region has aroused suspicion and anxiety about American intention and long-term goals toward Central Asia. As in the past years the Bush Administration has been widely criticized for being unilateral and militaristic in its foreign policy practices, this study will analyze American policies toward Central Asia, focusing on its tendency to allow security concerns and military thinking have precedence over other considerations. This unbalanced strategy has led to a narrow-minded militaristic approach which does not support the stated democratization goals of American foreign policies toward the region; instead it only appears designed to meet military expediency needs. A brief overview of the evolution of American policies toward the region is laid out first, and then the dilemmas encountered by the U.S. in seeking its best interests in the region are discussed. In recognizing the importance of Central Asia in U.S. national security strategy, this research indicates that the military component should play only a comparatively a small role in the overall American effort in dealing with the states in the region. If the military expediency, coupled with geopolitical considerations, is continuously favored, such practice will hurt U.S. long-term interests and the prospect of a stable regional development.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)333-355
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2008


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