A goal programming modeling for telecommunication routing management

Ching Ter Chang*, Zheng Yun Zhuang, Huang Mu Chen

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Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review

2 Scopus citations


Automatic and effective routing management is a troublesome, longstanding problem for all telecommunication service providers. Current operational fact reveals that no single telecommunication operator can own the whole network, especially for those second-tier operators. A complete call service usually involves multiple tiers of operators to participate in, and it is flowing through many of them. In this sense, we observed that from the standpoint of one single operator, each service can be conceptualized as a 1-N call distribution relationship. The models that we have proposed are to the call distribution problem of one single operator. The proposed initial and final models suitably apply the goal programming (GP) approach to solve the target decision making problem. Since the objectives during decision making usually conflict, we have not only concluded the major relevant criteria and attributes of call distribution problem, but have also inspected and discovered some interesting findings about the managerial concerns of related decision making processes. Also, we found out and proved the equivalence under GP between the two usual metrics that a decision maker of an operator would often set up in mind, the per-time-unit concern versus the total traffic volume concern. The solution could advise operators in making proper decisions about how to distribute traffic to available routes, and it can thus be a clear guide for the engineering staff on route deploying for the next period (or billing cycle) to come, while achieving multiple pre-defined goals automatically.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)506-514
Number of pages9
JournalWorld Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
StatePublished - 03 2011
Externally publishedYes


  • Call distribution
  • Goal programming
  • Management
  • Routing
  • Telecommunication


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