Application of Supercharge End-to-Side (SETS) Obturator to Femoral Nerve Transfer in Electrical Injury-Induced Neuropathy to Improve Knee Extension

Katie Pei Hsuan Wu, Li Ching Lin, Johnny Chuieng Yi Lu*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review

1 Scopus citations


Femoral nerve injuries are devastating injuries that lead to paralysis of the quadriceps muscles, weakening knee extension to prohibit ambulation. We report a devastating case of electrical injury-induced femoral neuropathy, where no apparent site of nerve disruption can be identified, thus inhibiting the traditional choices of nerve reconstruction such as nerve repair, grafting, or transfer. Concomitant spinal cord injury resulted in spastic myopathy of the antagonist muscles that further restricted knee extension. Our strategy was to perform (1) supercharge end-to-side technique (SETS) to augment the function of target muscles and (2) fractional tendon lengthening to release the spastic muscles. Dramatic postoperative improvement in passive and active range of motion highlights the effectiveness of this strategy to manage partial femoral nerve injuries.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)769-772
Number of pages4
JournalArchives of Plastic Surgery
Issue number6
StatePublished - 12 2021

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022. The Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons. All rights reserved.


  • electrical injury
  • end to side nerve transfer
  • femoral nerve
  • obturator to femoral nerve
  • supercharge


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