Chronic Colitis--Ameba in Origin or Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Nature?--A Case Report

張 家駱, 陳 進勛, Jeng-Yi Wang, 張簡 俊榮, Rei-Ping Tang 

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


     阿米巴性大腸炎和潰瘍性大腸炎在病史,理學檢查,下消化道攝影及直腸鏡檢查 各方面有許多的相似性。若誤將阿米巴性大腸炎診斷為潰瘍性大腸炎,而投予類固醇藥物, 可能會引起極嚴重的後果。此一病例報告病人於急性阿米巴性大腸炎療程治癒後,續發潰瘍 性大腸炎,同一病患前後發生此二種診斷不同,治療迥異之疾病,於病因、診斷及治療用藥 各方面均有可資參考之處。
     It is difficult to differentiate amebic colitis and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) of colon because of the similarities of history, physical examinations, and routine labrotory studies as well as findings on proctoscopic and barium enema examinations. Misdiagnosis amebic colitis as idiopathic IBD and treating with steroids may lead to catastrophe. A case, presented here, treatment of amebic colitis was followed by an illness of nonspecific ulcerative colitis. An event which has both etiological and therapeutic implications.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)33-36
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1998


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