Clinical application of radiophotoluminescent glass dosimeter for dose verification of prostate HDR procedure

Shih Ming Hsu, Chien Yi Yeh, Tien Chi Yeh, Ji Hong Hong, Annie Y.H. Tipton, Wei Li Chen, Shung Shung Sun, David Y.C. Huang

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review

20 Scopus citations


High dose rate brachytherapy (HDR-BT) is one of the many modalities for prostate cancer treatment. Due to the nature of HDR-BT, in vivo dosimetry is feasible and can be used to verify consistent dose delivery. In order to validate a dose verification system for HDR-BT prostate cancer treatment, a radiophotoluminescent glass dosimeter (RPLGD) was used and the measurements were compared with those from a thermoluminescent dosimeter. The RPLGD shows many advantages in HDR-BT dose measurement, such as repeatability, stability, and small effective size. These advantages make the RPLGD a superior option for use as a dosimeter in HDR-BT. The results described here show that the difference between the measured dose and the treatment planned dose is less than 5%. A Monte Carlo simulation for the dose was performed using Monte Carlo N -particle to investigate position error. This study concludes that the RPLGD is a promising and reliable dosimeter for HDR-BT in vivo dosimetry with clinically acceptable accuracy.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5558-5564
Number of pages7
JournalMedical Physics
Issue number12
StatePublished - 2008
Externally publishedYes


  • High dose rate brachytherapy
  • Monte Carlo N-particle code
  • Prostate cancer
  • Radiophotoluminescent glass dosimeter


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