Confidence Intervals for Multivariate Process Capability Indices using Bootstrap

陳 欽雨, Fu-Kwun Wang

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


  Multivariate process capability indices have recently been developed for assessing the capability of processes with multiple characteristics. In many situations, confidence intervals are more useful than point estimates, because an interval estimate enables a practitioner to see both how small and how large an effect may be. Unfortunately, the statistical distributions of multivariate process capability indices are complicated, and hence it can be difficult to construct confidence intervals no these indices. As an alternative, bootstrap sampling, which is equivalent to sampling with replacement from an empirical probability distribution function, can be used to construct confidence intervals on these indices. In this paper, four different types of Bootstrap methods-standard, percentile, bias-corrected percentile, and accelerated bias-corrected percentile are used to construct confidence intervals. Two real examples are given to show the application of the proposed method. The confidence intervals of three leading multivariate process capability indices, Cpm, MCpm AND MCp, are obtained using the standard and percentile bootstrap methods and the coverage proportions for these indices are close to the nominal values. When the bias-corrected percentile and accelerated bias-corrected percentile methods are used, coverage proportions are sensitive to the choice of index.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)429-438
Issue number5
StatePublished - 1998


  • Bootstrap
  • confidence interval
  • multivariate process capability index


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