Design and Verification of a New Universal Active Filter Based on the Current Feedback Operational Amplifier and Commercial AD844 Integrated Circuit

Hua Pin Chen*, I. Chyn Wey, Liang Yen Chen, Cheng Yueh Wu, San Fu Wang

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Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review

4 Scopus citations


This paper presents a triple-input and four-output type voltage-mode universal active filter based on three current-feedback operational amplifiers (CFOAs). The filter employs three CFOAs, two grounded capacitors, and six resistors. The filter structure has three high-input and three low-output impedances that simultaneously provide band-reject, high-pass, low-pass, and band-pass filtering functions with single-input and four-output type and also implements an all-pass filtering function by connecting three input signals to one input without the use of voltage inverters or switches. The same circuit configuration enables two unique filtering functions: low-pass notch and high-pass notch. Three CFOAs with three high-input and low-output impedance terminals enable cascading without voltage buffers. The circuit is implemented using three commercial off-the-shelf AD844 integrated circuits, two grounded capacitors, and six resistors and further implemented as a CFOA-based chip using three CFOAs, two grounded capacitors, and six resistors. The CFOA-based chip has lower power consumption and higher integration than the AD844-based filter. The circuit was simulated using OrCAD PSpice to verify the AD844-based filter and Synopsys HSpice for post-layout simulation of the CFOA-based chip. The theoretical analysis is validated and confirmed by measurements on an AD844-based filter and a CFOA-based chip.

Original languageEnglish
Article number8258
Issue number19
StatePublished - 10 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 by the authors.


  • analog circuit design
  • chip implementation
  • universal filter
  • voltage-mode filter


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