以病患為中心的照護近年來逐漸受到醫療機構重視,成為醫療機構提供的照護服務之一。然而,目前卻沒有一個合適的繁體中文版量表來測量以病患為中心的照護,因此本研究將Laird-Fick et al.所使用的量表進行中文化的檢定。利用前譯與回譯的方式,確保翻譯前後兩個版本的量表間具語意同等性。在完成翻譯後,本研究採用橫斷面研究設計,以問卷調查法的方式收集資料,針對北臺灣一家醫學中心204位普通病房的病患進行調查,探討量表的信效度。翻譯後的量表具有足夠的內部一致性、平行量表信度、收斂效度、以及效標關聯效度,使健康照護管理者有一個合適的工具,測量其所提供的照護服務是否滿足病患個別的需求。同時拓展以病患為中心照護的應用範疇與相關知識。
Patient-centered care is the degree to which medical care involves patients and satisfies their individual needs and expectations. Patient-centered care contributes to patients' satisfaction, health behaviors, and health outcomes. As there is a lack of appropriate Chinese-language survey instruments for assessing patient-centered care, this study adopted and translated the well-developed Patient-centered Care Scale. The semantic equivalence between the original English version and the translated Chinese version was examined by using two-step forward and backward translations. Two hundred and four in-patients in a northern Taiwan medical center were surveyed. The translated Chinese version exhibited sufficient internal consistency, parallel-form reliability, convergent validity, and criterion-related validity, and will allow health service managers in Chinese-language contexts to evaluate whether the individual needs of patients are satisfied and provide patient-centered care.
Patient-centered care is the degree to which medical care involves patients and satisfies their individual needs and expectations. Patient-centered care contributes to patients' satisfaction, health behaviors, and health outcomes. As there is a lack of appropriate Chinese-language survey instruments for assessing patient-centered care, this study adopted and translated the well-developed Patient-centered Care Scale. The semantic equivalence between the original English version and the translated Chinese version was examined by using two-step forward and backward translations. Two hundred and four in-patients in a northern Taiwan medical center were surveyed. The translated Chinese version exhibited sufficient internal consistency, parallel-form reliability, convergent validity, and criterion-related validity, and will allow health service managers in Chinese-language contexts to evaluate whether the individual needs of patients are satisfied and provide patient-centered care.
Original language | Chinese (Traditional) |
Pages (from-to) | 39-64 |
Journal | 顧客滿意學刊 |
Volume | 11 |
Issue number | 1 |
State | Published - 2015 |
- Health care
- Patient-centered care
- Psychometric properties
- Questionnaire development