Dispersion behaviors of wedge waves propagating along wedges with bilinear cross sections

Che Hua Yang*, Chun Zen Tsen

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Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


Wedge waves (WW) are guided acoustic waves propagating along the tip of a wedge, with energy tightly confined near the apex. Like Lamb waves, wedge waves with displacement field anti-symmetric about the mid-apex-plane are called anti-symmetric flexural (ASF) modes. This study is focused on exploring the dispersion behaviors of ASF modes propagating along a bilinear wedge (BW). A BW is wedge with a cross section of two apex angles, compared with a linear wedge (LW) having a single apex angle. In the literature, many studies regarding to the dispersion behaviors of ASF modes are reported for LW, but not for BW. In this study, a laser ultrasonic technique and finite element simulations are used to investigate the dispersion behavior of BW-ASF modes. It is found out that a BW-ASF mode is a result of mode coupling between the two LW-ASF modes of the same order corresponding to the two apex angles of the BW.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)765-769
Number of pages5
JournalKey Engineering Materials
Volume321-323 I
StatePublished - 2006


  • Bilinear wedge
  • Dispersion
  • Laser ultrasound technique
  • Mode coupling


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