Effect of Composition and Process Variables on Magnetic Flux Density of Low Carbon Electrical Steels

侯 春看, Pe-Cheng Wang

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


     本文利用實驗計劃法研究化學成份和製程變數對連續退火低碳電氣鋼 片之磁通密度的影響,並使用統計方法分析實驗結果,找出主要因子。研究結果 發現,矽含量和時效溫度是影響低碳電氣鋼片之磁通密度的主要因子,其原因是 矽含量影響低碳電氣鋼片的優選方位;而時效溫度改變低碳電氣鋼片之碳化物的 分佈形態。
     Factors, both chemical composition and process variables, affecting the magnetic flux density of continuous annealed low carbon electrical steels were investigated by an experiment of orthogonal statistical design.After data were collected from the experiment, statistical analyses were carried out for finding predominantfactors. It was found that silicon content and aging temperature are the significant factors influencing magneticflux density. It is explained that these factors affect the magnetic flux density of low carbon electrical steelsthrough the control of texture and carbide size.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)217-224
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1991


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