Effect of temperature of spark plasma sintering on the development of oxide compound in fe-25wt%ni-17wt%craustenitic stainless steel

S. Mustofa, M. Dani, Parikin, T. Sudiro, B. Hermanto, D.R. Adhika, Syahbuddin, Ching-An Huang

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


To investigate the effect of sintering temperature of spark plasma on the development of oxide compound in Fe-25wt%Ni-17wt%Cr austenitic stainless steels (ASS).The ingredient samples were high purity powder of Fe, Ni and Cr and mixed by through milling process for 5 hours. Compacting the three elements under 30MPa and vacuum was carried out in a spark plasma sintering (SPS) machine at temperature of 900 and 950C for 5 minutes. The microstructure of Fe-25wt%Ni-17wt%Cr ASS including oxide compound layer was examined through an Optical Microscope (OM), a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) equipped with Energy Dispersive Spectrometers (EDS), and also by Raman Spectroscopy.The crystal structure of austenite grains in the matrix was identified using X-Ray Diffractometer. Although, the SPS can consolidate nano alloy, the Fe-25wt%Ni-17wt%Cr ASS consists of matrix of fine austenite, g-FeNi grains and particles of a’-Cr. Sintering temperature at 950C increase O content in the surface of Fe-25wt%Ni-17wt%Cr ASS that mainly related to increasing the distribution of very fine a’-Cr particles as CrO compound beside of increasing the trapped air bubbles. The Raman spectra of Cr-rich MO was identified (M: Metal) at sintering temperature of 950C, while the Fe-rich MO and pure FeO without significant amount of dissolved chromium or nickel in a main band at 671 cm was identified at 900C. The existence of g-FeO and a-FeO was also successfully detected from the Raman.Changes in the number of particles with high Cr content or a'-Cr in the matrix with fine grains of g-FeNi formed during the process of sintering by spark plasma makes more oxide compounds in the Fe-25Ni-17Cr ASS at 950°C as compared to sintering temperature at 900C. The oxide compound is formed from the reaction of O and Cr content in a'-Cr particles during process of spark plasma sintering.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)5661-5667
JournalInternational Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research
Issue number9
StatePublished - 2020


  • Fe-25wt%Ni-17wt%Cr austenitic stainless steel
  • Microstructure
  • Raman Spectroscopy
  • SEM
  • Spark Plasma Sintering
  • TEM
  • XRD


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