Establishing an individual dosing system for patients undergoing interventional transcatheter arterial embolization: Radiochromic film and Monte Carlo simulation

Hui Yu Tsai, Pei Ling Lai, Yang Ying Li, Yeu Sheng Tyan*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review

2 Scopus citations


Less invasive imaging-guided vascular interventions with fluoroscopy and digital subtraction angiography have recently become widespread and have been successfully used for treating various diseases. However, interventional fluoroscopy procedures may present deterministic and stochastic radiation risks. The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) and the Food and Drug Administration have requested identifying procedures that may involve patient doses greater than the recommended thresholds. In this study, radiochromic dosimetric media, known as self-developing films, and measurement-based Monte Carlo simulations were used to establish an interventional radiology dosing system for individual patients undergoing interventional transcatheter arterial embolization. The peak skin dose, evaluated from the entrance surface dose distribution, was 21% less than the cumulated dose reported from the console. A 3D dose map incorporated into CT images was established. The organ doses and effective doses for individual patients were evaluated using this dosing system. This system could be applied very well to other fluoroscopic or interventional procedures for patient dose management.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2107-2110
Number of pages4
JournalRadiation Measurements
Issue number12
StatePublished - 12 2011


  • Film dosimetry
  • Interventional procedure
  • Patient dosimetry


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