[fec1]Tl-[fee6]Tc Subtraction Scan for Diagnosing Abnormal Parathyroid Gland: Comparison with Other Imaging Modalities

王 世楨, 林 萬鈺, Shiaw-Pyng Wey, 林 武智, 沈 立漢, 黃 亨通, 丁 幹

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


     前言:開刀前對於不正常副甲狀腺之定位一直是臨床上十分棘手的問題,在過去幾 年放射性同位素曾被運用來定位不正常之副甲狀腺,本研究之目的即在評估此項方法對於定 位不正常副甲狀腺之法確性並將之與其他造影方法作一比較分析。 結果:我們一共收集33例接受過頸部探測手術之患者,結果顯示放射性同位素之準確性:60%, 超音波:77.8%,電腦斷層:35.7%,磁振造影:71.4%。 結論:由此結果顯示,目前尚無一種造影方法可以正確地定位不正常副甲狀腺,我們需要更進 一步的研究尋找一項有效的定位不正常甲狀腺的方法。
     Methods: A total of 33 patients who underwent total neck exploration for hyperparathyroidism were studied with four different imaging modalities: (a) □Tl/ □Tc subtraction scan (SS), (b) ultrasonography (US), (c) computed tomography (CT) and (d) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Results: Accuracy for locating enlarged parathyroid(s) were 60.0% for SS, 77.8% for US, 35.7% for CT and 71.4% for MRI. Our results suggested that at present none of the studied imaging modalities alone are adequate for locating enlarged parathyroid gland(s) in patients with hyperparathyroidism.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)23-28
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1999


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