Identification of a Putative CodY Regulon in the Gram-Negative Phylum Synergistetes

Jianing Geng, Sainan Luo, Hui Ru Shieh, Hsing Yi Wang, Songnian Hu*, Yi Ywan M. Chen*

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Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review

1 Scopus citations


CodY is a dominant regulator in low G + C, Gram-positive Firmicutes that governs the regulation of various metabolic pathways and cellular processes. By using various bioinformatics analyses and DNA affinity precipitation assay (DAPA), this study confirmed the presence of CodY orthologues and corresponding regulons in Gram-negative Synergistetes. A novel palindromic sequence consisting of AT-rich arms separated by a spacer region of variable length and sequence was identified in the promoters of the putative codY-containing operons in Synergistetes. The consensus sequence from genera Synergistes and Cloacibacillus (5′-AATTTTCTTAAAATTTCSCTTGATATTTACAATTTT) contained three AT-rich regions, resulting in two palindromic sequences; one of which is identical to Firmicutes CodY box (5′-AATTTTCWGAAAATT). The function of the consensus sequence was tested by using a recombinant CodY protein (His-CodYDSM) of Cloacibacillus evryensis DSM19522 in DAPA. Mutations in the central AT-rich sequence reduced significantly the binding of His-CodYDSM, whereas mutations in the 5′ or 3′ end AT-rich sequence slightly reduced the binding, indicating that CodYDSM could recognize both palindromic sequences. The proposed binding sequences were found in the promoters of multiple genes involved in amino acids biosynthesis, metabolism, regulation, and stress responses in Synergistetes. Thus, a CodY-like protein from Synergistetes may function similarly to Firmicutes CodY.

Original languageEnglish
Article number7911
JournalInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences
Issue number14
StatePublished - 07 2022

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 by the authors.


  • CodY orthologues
  • CodY regulon of Synergistetes
  • Synergistetes
  • binding consensus of Synergistetes CodY


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