Immediate Effect of Ankle Taping on the Isometric Contraction of the Peroneus Longus

Yang-Hua Lin, Susan L. Whitnet

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


     由於踝關節的貼紮對肌力產生有爭論性的討論,因此不研究主妥目的在 於決定踝關節貼紮的使用對緋骨長肌等長肌力的立即效應。共計有二十六位正常 自願者參加,包括十名男性,十六名女性,年齡分佈自二十至三十五歲,共分兩 組:一組先經貼紮後接受等長肌力測試,隨後拆除貼紮,測試末貼紮下之徘骨長 肌的肌力;另一比較組則以相反次序測之.每名參加者經隨機分配組別,每人於 各個狀況重複三次六秒之踝關節外翻的等長收縮。結果經整合肌電圖記錄且數據 化後得最大值,並以單邊變異數分析法進行統計分析。結果雖然於貼紮的情況下 有較大肌力產生但不具統計上有意義的差別,且貼紮次序的前後不影響此項等長 肌力收縮,另貼紮與其次序關係二者亦末對等長肌力同時產生統計上有意義的影 響。因此本篇結論為踝關節貼紮對腓骨長肌無立即影響。(中華物療誌 1994:19(1):10-16)
     The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of application of ankletaping on the generation of isometric contraction of the peroneus longus. Twenty-sixnormal subjects (10 males and 16 females, 20 to 35 years of age) participated in thisstudy. Each subject was randomly assigned to start with or without their ankles taped.They performed three trials of isometric contraction of ankle eversion with and withouttheir ankles taped. Peak value of each isometric contraction was obtained from integratedEMG. Data analysis was performed with ANOVA. There was no interaction effect oftaping sequence with the application of ankle taping on the isometric contraction of theperoneus longus. There was no significant difference between the isometric contractionsof the peroneus longus with and without ankle taping. The results demonstrated that theisometric contraction of the peroneus longus was not significantly influenced by theapplication of ankle taping immediately. (JPTA ROC 1994;19(1):10-16)
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)10-16
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1994


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