Increasing asthma care knowledge and competence of public health nurses after a national asthma education program in Taiwan

Kuo Wei Yeh, Shu Yuan Chao, Li Chi Chiang, Hsiang Ru Lai, Sue Hsien Chen, Li Chen Chen, Jing Long Huang*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review

5 Scopus citations


One of the responsibilities of a public health nurse is to provide asthma education to local residents. However, there have been no comprehensive education programs for public health nurses on asthma care in the past. This study aimed to determine level of competence of public health nurses on asthma care in order to improve their capability through a one-day national asthma education course. In addition to lectures on updated asthma management information, data was obtained through demonstrations and practice on inhalation techniques of various kinds of inhaled devices, including the ability to use and interpret the data of a peak flow meter. Two written examinations with the same questions were given to participants before and right after the lectures. All of the 560 public health nurses in the 392 public health bureaus were invited to join the program and 522 (93.2%) participated. Five hundred and six completed both the pre- and post-tests. Before the national education program, only 10.9% of the participants knew the purpose of the peak flow meter, while 62.6% had never heard of it. Initially, they showed less confidence on teaching patients on the use of inhaled devices (2.36 and 2.59 in 5 scales). Comparing the two tests, there was a significant increase in the public nurses' knowledge as regards: 1) the general concept of asthma, 2) prevention of trigger factors and environmental control, 3) proper medication knowledge, 4) peak flow meter (PEF) monitoring, and 5) intervention after acute exacerbation of asthma (p < 0.001). A well-designed course on asthma management is an efficient scheme to improve public health nurses' knowledge and confidence on asthma care.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)183-189
Number of pages7
JournalAsian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology
Issue number4
StatePublished - 12 2006


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