Inflammatory pseudotumor of the liver mimicking liver abscess: Report of a case

C. M. Chen*, I. S. Sheen, D. Y. Lin, S. M. Lin, C. F. Hung, T. C. Chen

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


We report a case of inflammatory pseudotumor of the liver in which a 35-year-old male patient with diabetes mellitus was admitted to our hospital presenting with fever, chill and right upper quadrant of abdominal pain. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed two hypoechoic lesions in the right lobe of the liver, 7.5 and 2.6 cm in size, respectively. The blood culture disclosed Klebsiella pneumonia. He was given intravenous antibiotics and his fever and abdominal pain subsided rapidly 3 days later. However the follow-up abdominal echo still presented as hypoechoic change without any liquifaction. The possibility of liver tumor had to take into consideration. Therefore, hepatic angiography and abdominal axial tomography were performed, and liver tissue was obtained by echoguided aspiration study for pathological examination. Inflammatory pseudotumor of the liver was diagnosed. Progressive shrinkage of the residual lesion was documented by a series of abdominal echo studies. The whole lesion disappeared 3 months later. No more abdominal pain, fever, nor recurrent liver tumor was found in a 16 month follow-up.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)261-266
Number of pages6
JournalChinese Journal of Gastroenterology
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1995
Externally publishedYes


  • fine needle aspiration biopsy
  • inflammatory pseudotumor
  • liver abscess


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