
吳 英黛, Chih-Chung Chen

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


     產、企業普遍採納的ISO國際標準認證,近年來也備受其他專業管理人 員的注意,作不同的應用。醫界推行ISO9000系列認證主要是建立標準化的作業 流程,以提高行政流程的效率和品質。就品質而言,實無國界或專業之分。良好 的品質應注意到品質保證、效率和效果的評量,也就是說有適任的物理治療師, 在最經濟的時間內讓病人達到最好的治療效果並滿意治療過程。且對醫界和社會 有好的影響。我國企業界在1990年代初就引進國際標準認證制度,在國內醫療環 境改變的衝擊下,很多醫院都積極推行全面品質管理的工作,應用ISO的觀念和 作法在物理治療的行政管理上,應有助於建立系統化的文件流程和稽核作業,進 而加強全能從業人員對專業品質認知和自我要求。(中華物療誌 1998:23(2):141-147)
     ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a system for worldwide standardization. The work of ISO or ISO guideline isprimarily a third party certification system thathas internationally agreed standards and procedures. These documents are intended to provideguidance with minimal changes in words whileapplying to different situations/professions or indifferent language. In recent years there havebeen many developments in the field of qualityassurance. The ISO 9000 series of quality assurance standards have been adopted by the hospitaladministrators in Taiwan. The basic elements of quality service should include quality, efficiency,and effectiveness at least. In the era of managedcare, the physical therapy department shouldestablish and maintain a quality system to meetthe requirements of total quality management forcontinuous improvement. The guides of ISO 9000series can provide the basis of developing qualitymanual and related quality documentation, audit,and review procedures for physical therapymanager and hopefully promote the sense of quality in our profession. (JPTA ROC 1998;23(2):141147)
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)141-147
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1998

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