Nanoarchitectonics of ternary NixCo1-xSe2 electrocatalysts on Ni-foams combined with Pt-loaded carbon clothes as the air-cathodes in Zn-air energy storage systems

Yu Syuan Jheng, Shing Jiang Jessie Lue, Kong Wei Cheng*

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Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review

5 Scopus citations


Background: Large-scale application of renewable energy with energy storage system is important for the reduction of influence on global warming effect without decreasing industrial activities. To develop an energy storage system is thus an important way for industrial application. Methods: Ternary NixCo1-xSe2 electrocatalysts were prepared in an ethanol bath with reaction temperature of 70 °C in 10 min using a simple chemical synthesis method. Samples after post-selenization process as the electrocatalysts on nickel (Ni)-foams with Pt-loading carbon clothes were employed in Zn-air batteries. Significant findings: The X-ray diffraction patterns of samples showed ternary NixCo1-xSe2 samples with high Se-vacancies. Therefore, the post-selenization process with temperature of 500 °C for 30 min was applied on these samples with various weights of Se powders. Samples as the electrocatalysts showed good stabilities in our homemade Zn-air batteries with the minimum voltage difference for oxygen evolution/reduction reactions of 0.91 V. Our cell with NiCo1-xSe2 electrocatalyst (Ni:Co:Se=0.21:0.29:0.50)@Ni foam + Pt-loading carbon cloth as the air-cathode showed the charge/discharge voltages of 2.05 and 1.08 V at charge/discharge current density of 10 mA/cm2, respectively, and could be applied in industrial energy storage system.

Original languageEnglish
Article number105451
JournalJournal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers
StatePublished - 06 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024


  • Chemical synthesis method
  • Electrochemical analysis
  • NiCoSe electrocatalyst
  • Zn-air battery


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