Neutron diffraction and specific heat studies on the magnetic ordering in the [FeII (Δ) FeII (Λ) (ox)2 (Phen)2] n molecular magnet

C. J. Ho, J. L. Her, C. P. Sun, C. C. Yang, C. L. Huang, C. C. Chou, Lu Lin Li, K. J. Lin, W. H. Li, J. W. Lynn, H. D. Yang*

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10 Scopus citations


The magnetic characteristics of the molecular magnet [FeII (Δ) FeII (Λ) (ox)2 (Phen)2] n, having chemical formula C28 H16 Fe2 N4 O8 for unity, has been studied by magnetization, neutron diffraction, and field-dependent specific heat-measurements. In the high-temperature regime (T> Tm), the one-dimensional Ising chain model with alternate Landé factors is applied to describe its quasiferrimagnetic behavior as temperature approaches Tm. In the low-temperature region (T< Tm), the increase of interchain interactions gives rise to long-range magnetic ordering as indicated by an anomaly in specific heat. Furthermore, an intrinsic antiparallel alignment of spins with a net ferrimagnetic structure is deduced from neutron diffraction study. The field-dependent λ -type anomaly of specific heat indicates that applying a magnetic field raises magnetic ordering temperature. An additional small anomaly in specific heat is also seen below Tm, which could be due to the zero-field splitting caused by the internal crystal field.

Original languageEnglish
Article number224417
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number22
StatePublished - 19 12 2007
Externally publishedYes


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