Plasma enhanced germanium nitride dielectric thin films for phase-change recording systems

G. M. Wu*, C. K. Yang, H. C. Lu, T. W. Chang

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Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review

2 Scopus citations


The more efficient dielectric material and structure have been developed for fast phase-change optical recording systems. The germanium nitride thin film was reactively sputtered using a d.c. chamber, operated at 3 kW with a mixed gas plasma of argon and nitrogen. The dielectric thin film of 11-13 nm has been designed as the upper dielectric layer between the Ge-In-Sb-Te active layer and the silver reflective layer. The optical storage disks were initialized by a Hitachi POP120-8E device to provide crystalline active layers before the dynamic tests. The initialization was conducted using 810 nm laser at 2300 mW while the disks were rotated at a constant linear velocity of 10 m/s. The optical properties were analyzed using a Steag ETA-RT optical measuring system at 410-1010 nm wavelength. The power margin window was shown to be effectively improved by 60% to 18-26 mW when compared with the traditional ZnS-SiO2 dielectric system. TEM (transmission electron microscope) micrograph showed clear profile for the standard 3T laser marks on the active layer. The plasma enhanced germanium nitride dielectric thin film could improve digital versatile disk's (DVD) production yield and efficiency.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S33-S35
Issue numberSUPPL.1
StatePublished - 01 05 2009


  • Dielectric thin film
  • Germanium nitride
  • Phase change
  • Recording


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