Potential molecular marker for detecting transitional cell carcinoma

Allen W. Chiu, Yu Lun Huang, Steven K. Huan, Yu Chun Wang, Jyh Phen Ju, Mei Fang Chen, Chen Kung Chou

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review

33 Scopus citations


Objectives. To assess the expression rate of a cancer-related gene, hepatoma-up-regulated protein (HURP), in the tumor tissue of transitional cell carcinoma (TCC), and to assess the potential suitability of using this gene as a novel molecular marker for detecting TCC in voided urine. Methods. Total RNA was extracted from 80 TCC tissue samples of the urinary tract. Forty-five of the 80 tumor-adjacent tissue samples were from the same patients and 15 were from control subjects (patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia). The expression levels of HURP mRNA in these specimens were examined using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. The HURP mRNA transcripts in voided urine pellets from 14 additional patients were determined using the same method. The messages were normalized to beta-actin mRNA. Results. The detection of HURP expression in the TCC tissue samples had a sensitivity of 88.8% (71 of 80) and a specificity of 100% (15 of 15). Ten of the 45 grossly tumor-adjacent tissue samples expressed HURP mRNA, which may indicate subtle genetic changes in tissue adjacent to tumor. All seven urine specimens from the patients with TCC revealed HURP expression; however, no specimens from patients with nonmalignant diseases did so. Conclusions. A potential molecular marker for detecting TCC with tissue specimens and voided urine samples has been found. Although the real clinical application of this marker requires additional evaluation, the high sensitivity and specificity of the HURP gene amplification method warrants more investigation in the future.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)181-185
Number of pages5
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2002
Externally publishedYes


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