Power consumption of semiconductor fabs in Taiwan

S. C. Hu*, Y. K. Chuah

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Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review

125 Scopus citations


This paper reports and analyzes power consumption for nine representative semiconductor fabs in Taiwan. The power consumption data were obtained by surveys and site visits. Analysis results indicate that the average power consumption for the fabs is 2.18 kW/m2 and the average cooling load is 0.434 RT/m2. The average power consumption per unit product (wafer) area is 1.432 kWh/cm2, which is consistent with the data (3.1 kWh/cm2 in 1983 to 1.41 kWh/cm2 in 1995) reported by the US Department of Commerce and Dataquest. The facility system consumes the most of the power consumption (about 56.6%) of the semiconductor fabs. Process tools are the next largest power consuming item, accounting for 40.4% of the power consumed in the fabs. A facility system includes the chiller plant, makeup air, recirculation air, exhaust air, gases, compressed dry air, process cooling water, vacuum and ultra-pure water systems. The power consumption of the different facility components is analyzed and compared.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)895-907
Number of pages13
Issue number8
StatePublished - 06 2003
Externally publishedYes


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