Prevalence of Migraine in Middle to Old-Aged Residents in Kinmen

王 署君, 傅 中玲, 盧 相如, 許 立奇, 王 培寧, Chia-Yih Liu, 陳 錫銘, 劉 秀枝

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


背景:中老年人社區頭痛調查很少,亞洲人被認為頭痛較不常見。本研究目的為研究金門地區中老年人的偏頭痛盛行率。 方法:目標族群:金門地區金湖與金城兩鄉鎮年紀 50歲到 64歲所有人口,共 2,179人。參加者將完成頭痛問卷,並接受神經科醫師臨床評估與神經學檢查。偏頭痛診斷是以國際頭痛學會 1988年頒訂的診斷準則為準。 結果:共有 1,839 居民 (84%) 完成本研究。其中,有 43.2% 受訪者在過去一年曾有一次以上的頭痛。七十七位受訪者(4.2%) 有一次以上的偏頭痛發作,其中女性比男性的比例高 (7.6% vs. 1.3%, p < 0.001)。若以五歲為一年齡組,則偏頭痛並不因年齡增加而下降。 結論:本研究發現中至老年時期,偏頭痛僅在女性是重要疾病。在過渡到老年的這段時間,偏頭痛盛行率並未顯著變化。
Background: There are not many headache surveys focusing on the middle- and old-aged populations. Asians have been considered to have a low prevalence of migraine headache. The study was designed to investigate the prevalence of migraine in middle- to old-aged residents in Kinmen. Methods: Target population: eligible registered residents 50 to 64 years old (N = 2,179) in two townships of Kinmen Island. All participants completed a headache questionnaire and underwent clinical evaluation and examination by a neurologist. Headache diagnoses were performed according to the International Classification of Headache Disorders, first edition, 1988. Results: Of the 1,839 persons (84%) participating in and completing the study, 43.2% had at least one headache episode in the previous year. Among the 77 subjects (4.2%) with at least one episode of migraine headache in the previous year, women reported a higher prevalence than men (7.6% vs. 1.3%, p < 0.001). The prevalence of migraine did not decline with age in this age group. Conclusions: Our study on middle-to old-aged subjects found migraine as a significant illness in women but not in men. The prevalence showed no marked change during these transitional years toward old age.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)243-250
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2009


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