Programmed Database System at the Chang Gung Craniofacial Center(Ⅰ)

洪 凱風, 甄 秀蘭, 莊 秀樹, 陳 國鼎, Lun-Jou Lo, Chia-Ning Chang, 余 忠志, Yu-Ray Chen, Merceds Glendora Villa

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


     背景:長庚醫院顱顏中心患者總數超過兩萬名。每年定期回診,資料不斷更新,各項門診檢查、牙科追蹤、手術治療等資料整理,需龐大人力處理。為求有效迅速整理及查調資料庫內容,必須使用關聯性資料庫來進行檔案分析。 方法:使用特殊設計的Paradox 8資料庫軟體,ACDSee照相圖檔資料庫及DOS系統。Paradox同時加以標準化處理,以便不斷增加新的資料而不會重複。 結果:自1987年至2002年共計25,200病歷,接受24,331次手術存儲在本資料庫內。共有1,4828名唇顎裂患者之唇顎裂形態及分布比例可以參考。 結論:此一次體提供了可靠及穩定的資料整理方法,足以供應立即的檔案以利教學研究之用。
     Background: A database is a system for the management of information. Databases of different forms are widely used in everyday life from telephone books to online library catalogs. The Craniofacial Center at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital has seen over 20,000 patients during the past 20 years. All of the patients records need to digitally input into a computer database. Methods: A database was custom designed using Paradox 8. The ACDSee Photo browser and DOS linked them to the original program. The Paradox 8 was programmed a standard mode for the diagnosis and treatment data input to prevent typographical errors. Results: We collected the records of 25,200 patients from 1987 to 2002, of which 24,331 underwent operations. The data for 14,828 patients were registered as complete and/or incomplete cleft and the proportions of unilateral to bilateral and female to male are presented in Table 1. Conclusion: This new database system was designed to ensure the accuracy of data input using a standard model that is capable of correct data programming using the using a standard model that is capable of correct data programming using the custom designed coding system for the Craniofacial Center. The system also provides easy and reliable data retrieval when using the powerful search tools.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)496-502
Issue number7
StatePublished - 2003


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