Reducing primary cesarean delivery rate through implementation of a smart intrapartum surveillance system

Po Jen Cheng*, You Hung Cheng, Steven S.W. Shaw, Hung Chi Jang

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Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review

4 Scopus citations


The rapid changes in clinical maternity situations that occur in a labor and delivery unit can lead to unpredictable maternal and newborn morbidities. Cesarean section (CS) rate is a key indicator of the accessibility and quality of a labor and delivery unit. This retrospective cross-sectional study assesses the nulliparous, term, singleton, vertex (NTSV) cesarean delivery rates before and after the implementation of a smart intrapartum surveillance system. Research data were collected from the electronic medical records of a labor and delivery unit. The primary outcome was the CS rate of the NTSV population. The data of 3648 women admitted for delivery were analyzed. Of the studied deliveries, 1760 and 1888 occurred during the preimplementation and postimplementation periods, respectively. The CS rate for the NTSV population was 31.0% and 23.3% during the preimplementation and postimplementation periods, respectively, indicating a significant 24.7% (p = 0.014) reduction in CS rate after the implementation of the smart intrapartum surveillance system (relative risk, 0.75; 95% confidence interval, 0.71–0.80). In the NTSV population, the vaginal and CS birth groups, no significant difference in terms of newborn weight, neonatal Apgar scores, composite neonatal adverse outcome indicator, and the occurrence of the following: neonatal intensive care unit admission, neonatal meconium aspiration, chorioamnionitis, shoulder dystocia, perineal laceration, placental abruption, postpartum hemorrhage, maternal blood transfusion, and hysterectomy before and after the implementation of the smart intrapartum surveillance system. This study reveals that the use of the smart intrapartum surveillance system can effectively reduce the primary CS rate for low-risk NTSV pregnancies without significantly affecting perinatal outcomes.

Original languageEnglish
Article number126
Pages (from-to)126
Journalnpj Digital Medicine
Issue number1
StatePublished - 11 07 2023

Bibliographical note

© 2023. The Author(s).


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