Sexual Dysfunction Following Abdominal Perineal Resection for Rectal Cancer

范 仲維, 陳 進勛, Jeng-Yi Wang, 張簡 俊榮, 許 寬成, Rei-Ping Tang , 江 支銘, 范 宏二

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


     性功能障礙對於直腸癌男性病患接受腹部會陰切除術者是一常見的併發症,從 1988 到 1994,共有 80 位男性病患接受問卷調查, 包括勃起障礙及射精障礙,總共有 55 位病人( 69% )有性功能障礙, 其中 27 位( 34% )為完全不能勃起, 有 51 位( 64% )為射精障礙,包括射精不能及逆行性射精。同時我們也評估一些因素與性功能障礙的關聯 性,包括( 1 )手術時的年齡,( 2 )腫瘤分期,( 3 )腫瘤大小,( 4 )會陰部傷口 的處理, ( 5 )是否有接受放射治療, 統計上只有手術時的年齡是一有意義的因素( P<0.01 )。
     Sexual dysfunction following rectal excision of cancer is a frequent, and distressing complication for male patients. From 1988 through 1994, 80 male patients who had undergone abdomino-perineal resection (FPR) for rectal cancer were interviewed. Those who were sexually dysfunctional preoperatively, whose age was over 70 years, and those who were in terminal stages were not included in this study. In this retrospective study, we estimated the ihncidence of sexual dysfunction including erection and ejaculation failure in relation to the following factors: age at operation, tumor stage, tumor size, perineal wound management, and radiotherapy. The overall incidence of sexual disturbance following APR was 69% (55 in 80), 27 patient (34%) were completely impotent, 51 (64%) were unable to ejaculate. We found that age was the only significant factor that related to the erectile function in cancer patients after APR (P<0.05).
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)19-24
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1998


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