Subcellular localization of perforin and serine esterase in lymphokine-activated killer cells and cytotoxic T cells by immunogold labeling

D.M. Ojcius, Li Mou Zheng, E.C. Sphicas, A. Zychlinsky, John Ding E. Young

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


    CTL, NK cells, and lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells are cytolytic lymphocytes known to produce a pore-forming protein, named perforin or cytolysin, that lyses target cells by forming large pores on the plasma membrane of the target cell. Other proteins besides perforin are found in the cytoplasmic granules of effector lymphocytes, and these include a family of serine esterases. Ultrastructural immunogold labeling studies with antibodies against perforin and a serine esterase (MTSP-1, also known as granzyme A and SE-1) show that all the granules of LAK cells and a CTL cell line contain perforin and serine esterase. For both LAK cells and CTL, perforin has been located mostly in the fine granular matrix of the granules, whereas gold particles corresponding to serine esterase have been found in both the matrix and the cap regions of the granules. Results from double immunogold labeling indicate that perforin and serine esterase colocalize to the same granules.
    Original languageAmerican English
    Pages (from-to)4427-4432
    JournalJournal of Immunology
    Issue number12
    StatePublished - 1991


    • Animal
    • Antibody Specificity
    • Cytoplasmic Granules
    • Esterases
    • Gold
    • Killer Cells, Lymphokine-Activated
    • Membrane Proteins
    • Mice
    • Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
    • T-Lymphocytes, Cytotoxic


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