T Cell Receptor Gene Vα and Vβ Usage in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis in Taiwan

顏 正賢, 蔡 文展, 蔡 季君, Chung-Jen Chen, 林 嘉慧, 歐 燦騰, 劉 宏文

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


     為了探討T接受器基因和類風濕性關節炎 (RA)間的關係。本實驗以14位RA病人和15位正常人為對象。RA病人同時抽取其關節液和周邊血液,而正常人則只抽取其周邊血液作檢查。首先分離出T細胞,萃取其RNA,再合成其cDNA,然後測其TCR-Va和Vβ基因。實驗結果顯示,RA病人其關節液中TCR-Vα、Vβ β種類數目比周邊血液中者顯著減少。而且在所有HLA-DR4陽性的RA病人其關節液中均可發現具有TCR-Vβ7和Vβ8。但是在RA病人和正常人間的周邊血液,其TCR-Vα和Vβ種類數目則無差異。本實驗顯示,RA病人關節液中之TCR-V基因(尤其是Vβ)有限制使用的現象。而TCR-Vβ7和Vβ8則可能和臺灣地區HLA-DR4。陽性的RA病人的致病機轉有關。
     To investigate the correlation of T cell receptor (TCR) genes to rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in Taiwan, synovial fluid and peripheral blood were examined simultaneously in 14 patients with RA, and peripheral blood only was examined In 15 healthy controls. RNA was extracted from T cells in synovial fluid and peripheral blood, and cDNA was synthesized using the reverse transcription method. Then, TCR-Va and V3 gene families were determined using the polymerase chain reaction and slot blot methods. The numbers of TCR-V a and V families, especially V , were decreased In rheumatoid synovial fluid compared with numbers found In the peripheral blood of the same RA patients. TCR-V13 7 and V3 8 could be found In the synovial fluid of all patients with positive HLA-DR4. However, there was no significant difference In the numbers of TCR-Va and V$ families in peripheral blood of RA patients and the peripheral blood of healthy controls. In conclusion, restricted heterogeneity of TCR-V gene, especially Vβ, can be found in synovial fluid of patients with RA. TCR-Vβ7 and Vβ 8 may be related to the pathogenesis of HLA-DR4 positive RA patients in Taiwan.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)251-257
JournalThe Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences
Issue number5
StatePublished - 1998


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