Temporal pattern of distance control in golf putting after rhythm training

Chih Neng Chan*, Tzu Ling Yeh, Yu Ching Lu, Wen Tzu Tang

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Many golf instructors and professionals indicated the importance of rhythm in executing a golf putt, however the effect of rhythm training in club head control is not studied yet, therefore, the purpose of the studies is to investigate the effect of rhythm training in putting for beginning level players. 14 volunteers participated in this study randomly assigned to experimental group (NE) and control group (NC) equally. Experimental group received 10 hours of timing training with a metronome at the different pace of 54, 80, 108 b.p.m. The participants were required to complete various hand and foot exercise in synchrony with the beat and not to practice with a putter during 5 weeks training. Each participant performed 5 trials at a target distance of 4, 8, 12 feet putt in the pretest and posttest. The Motion Analysis System with 8 high speed cameras were used to collect the movement of the club and the ball at 120 Hz. The error of the direction and distance were derived to estimate accuracy in direction and distance. The variables of club head with increasing distance from the training were examined by mixed design two way ANOVA respectively through SPSS 17.0. The results showed that the performance of 4ft and 12ft putts were significantly improved for NE group than NC group. The downswing time and total movement time have the same tendency toward the same duration, The training seemed to influence the duration of downswing and the total movement unless the spatial variables, the subjects of NE-group seems to keep the time constant and increase the BS and DS amplitude for increasing putting distance.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication6th World Congress of Biomechanics, WCB 2010 - In Conjunction with 14th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, ICBME and 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, APBiomech
Number of pages4
StatePublished - 2010
Event6th World Congress of Biomechanics, WCB 2010 - In Conjunction with 14th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, ICBME and 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, APBiomech - Singapore, Singapore
Duration: 01 08 201006 08 2010

Publication series

NameIFMBE Proceedings
Volume31 IFMBE
ISSN (Print)1680-0737


Conference6th World Congress of Biomechanics, WCB 2010 - In Conjunction with 14th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, ICBME and 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, APBiomech


  • Distance control
  • Putting
  • Rhythm training


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