The Effects of Continuing Education in Restraint Reduction on Novice Nurses in Intensive Care Units

葉 淑惠, Chiu-Yueh Hsiao, 賀 天蕙, 江 明珠, 林 麗味, 許 瓊尹, 林 淑媛

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review


  縮減約束是加護病房照護品質的重要指標,因此,本研究採類實驗設計探討約束縮減在職教育對加護病房新進護理人員之成效。以南部某醫學中心11個加護病房之37位新進護理人員為研究對象,探討其接受約束縮減在職教育前後,約束的知識、認知、態度和臨床施行的改變,及預測其改變的變項。約束減縮在職教育是由兩位護理教師負責教導,內容包括:說明約束護理工作準則、約束縮減原則及約束替代方案等,共四小時。授課前後給予新進護理工作人員二次結構式問卷測試,以paired t-test進行單組前後測比較。研究結果發現施行約束縮減在職教育後,加護病房新進護理工作人員約束的知識 (t = -6.04, p < .01)、認知 (t = 4.76, p < .01) 及態度 (t = 3.93, p < .01) 有顯著之改善。此結果可提供國內加護病房施行約束縮減在職教育的參考,以促進加護病房病患照護之品質。
  A decrease in the use of physical restraints in Intensive Care Units (ICUs) is an important indicator of quality of nursing care. This quasi-experimental study examined the effect on nurses of a session of continuing education aimed at reducing the use of restraints. At a medical center in southern Taiwan, 37 novice nurses were surveyed about their knowledge, perception, attitude and clinical practice of restraint use in 11 ICUs. Two instructors then taught a four-hour continuing education class on patient restraint standards, principles for reducing physical restraint use, and alternatives to restraining. Data were analyzed by paired t-test and the results of identical structured questionnaires which participants received before and after the lecture, showed that, afterwards, knowledge (t = -6.04, p < .01), perception (t = 4.76, p < .01), and attitude (t = 3.93, p < .01) toward restraint use had significantly improved . The continuing education improved the nurses’ knowledge and attitude toward restraint use and may therefore enhance the quality of care provided to ICU patients.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)246-256
JournalThe Journal of Nursing Research
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2004


  • continuing education
  • intensive care unit
  • restraint reduction


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