The 99mtc-dmsa renal scan and 99mtc-dtpa diuretic renogram in children and adolescents with incidental diagnosis of horseshoe kidney

P. F. Kao, C. P. Sheih, K. H. Tsui, M. F. Tsai, K. Y. Tzen

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review

16 Scopus citations


A prospective study was conducted to determine the possibility of obstructive hydronephrosis in horseshoe kidney found incidentally in school children and adolescents by using a radionuclide diuretic renogram. In a 2-year period, 22 school children and adolescents with horseshoe kidney were found in a mass renal sonography survey. They each underwent a 99mTc dimercaptosuccinic acid renal cortical scan to confirm the horseshoe kidney. Each diuretic renogram was performed with the patient in the supine position to rule out obstructive hydronephrosis. The patients were advised to empty their bladders before the intravenous injection of furosemide (1 mg·kg−1). The half-time for the clearance of radioactivity from the renal pelvis were calculated. Of the 22 patients, asymmetrical renal cortical function between the two kidneys was found in 14 (63.6%). Eleven kidneys (11/44, 25%) showed stasis of radioactive urine in the renal pelvic region prior to injection of furosemide. There was no incidence of bilateral hydronephrosis in these 22 patients. Only one kidney (1/44, 2.3%) showed obstructive hydronephrosis and five showed clearance of radioactive urine stasis from the renal pelvis immediately after standing up for voiding. There is a low percentage of obstructive hydronephrosis in these cases of horseshoe kidney found incidentally in children and adolescents. A follow-up cohort study on these patients would be valuable for monitoring the development of complications.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)525-530
Number of pages6
JournalNuclear Medicine Communications
Issue number5
StatePublished - 05 2003


  • Children and adolescents
  • Horseshoe kidney
  • Hydronephrosis
  • Tc-DMSA renal scan.
  • Tc-DTPA diuretic renogram


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