The use of fuzzy logic in the taguchi method for the determination of the tolerance of a six-bar hinge mechanism

Fu Chen Chen*, Hsing Hui Huang

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In this paper fuzzy logic was applied to the Taguchi method to design the dimensional tolerances of a six-bar hinge mechanism with multiple performance characteristics (MPC). A fuzzy logic system was used to determine the relationship between the S/N (signal to noise) ratios of the position and the angle error for assessing the level of importance of each control factor in the hinge mechanism. The contribution of each control factor to the variations was also quantified through the response table and response diagram and the key dimensions found to significantly affect the quality of the mechanism were r4, β, r1 and r5, which contributed 67.77% of the total product variation. It followed therefore that in order to improve the quality of the mechanism the tolerance of these factors must be tightened. Through a series of confirmation experiments, it was revealed that tightening the tolerance resulted in an increase in the multiple performance index (MPI) by 0.094, which was an increase of 19.87% of the initial value.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)477-489
Number of pages13
JournalTransactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2005
Externally publishedYes


  • Analysis of variance
  • Fuzzy logic
  • Hinge mechanism
  • Quality
  • Taguchi method
  • Tolerance design


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