Total knee replacement in patients with significant femoral bowing in the coronal plane: A comparison of conventional and computer-assisted surgery in an asian population

T. W. Huang, W. H. Hsu, K. T. Peng, R. W.W. Hsu

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32 Scopus citations


We conducted a retrospective study to investigate the effect of femoral bowing on the placement of components in total knee replacement (TKR), with regard to its effect on re-establishing the correct mechanical axis, as we hypothesised that computer-assisted total knee replacement (CAS-TKR) would produce more accurate alignment than conventional TKR. Between January 2006 and December 2009, 212 patients (306 knees) underwent TKR. The conventional TKR was compared with CAS-TKR for accuracy of placement of the components and post-operative alignment, as determined by five radiological measurements. There were significant differences in the reconstructed mechanical axes between the bowed and the non-bowed group after conventional TKR (176.2° (SD 3.4) vs 179.3° (SD 2.1), p < 0.001). For patients with significant femoral bowing, the reconstructed mechanical axes were significantly closer to normal in the CAS group than in the conventional group (179.2° (SD 1.9) vs 176.2° (SD 3.4), p < 0.001). Femoral bowing resulted in inaccuracy when a conventional technique was used. CAS-TKR provides an effective method of restoring the mechanical axis in the presence of significant femoral bowing.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)345-350
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Bone and Joint Surgery - Series B
Volume93 B
Issue number3
StatePublished - 03 2011


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