Transoral laser microsurgery elevates fundamental frequency in early glottic cancer

Cheng Ming Luo, Tuan Jen Fang*, Chien Yu Lin, Joseph Tung Chieh Chang, Chun Ta Liao, I. How Chen, Hsueh Yu Li, Hui Chen Chiang

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Research output: Contribution to journalJournal Article peer-review

12 Scopus citations


Objective: To evaluate the long-term voice characteristics and quality of life of early glottic cancer patients after definitive treatment. Study Design: Case series with chart review in a tertiary care medical center in Taiwan. Methods: Forty-two consecutive patients who received radiation therapy (RT) or transoral laser microsurgery (TLM) for early glottic cancer over 12 months were evaluated for voice laboratory data and quality-of-life measurements. Results: Twenty-four patients received RT, and 18 underwent TLM. There was no difference between the two groups on acoustic and aerodynamic voice measures except for modal fundamental frequency in males. In the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Head and Neck survey, the TLM group had better communication than the RT group, but there were no differences in voice quality and strength. There was also no significant difference in the Voice Handicap Index 10 evaluation. Conclusions: Male patients who received TLM have higher modal fundamental frequency than male patients who received RT and norms. Voice-related life quality is similar in patients regardless of RT or TLM treatment for early glottic cancer, but those who receive TLM have better communication abilities than those who receive RT.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)596-601
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Voice
Issue number5
StatePublished - 09 2012


  • Glottic cancer
  • Outcome measurements
  • Quality of life
  • Voice outcome


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